Lux Absio Bervatum

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Quad-Chirashi Framing GO

Fig. 1
I started putting together this little project while I was recovering from surgery and I just received the last part I needed yesterday.

Eiga Chirashi are these little 7x10" (actually B5, so 176x250mm) movie flyers used to promote film releases in Japan. You can usually find them super cheap online since they're given away for free in movie theaters, places that sell Blu-rays, etc. Like, I just bought a chirashi for The LEGO Movie for $2.35 plus $3.00 shipping. One person I bought a chirashi from sent me a couple extras for free (must have been from unpopular movies); see figure 1.

The other stuff that came with it was kinda interesting; see figure 2.
Fig. 2

Anyway, I collected four chirashi for my favorite Wes Anderson movies and designed a custom double-mat for them. The last part, the matboard, arrived yesterday. Hopefully I'll make it over to the frame shop today so I can get that going.